The Homestretch

This program has allowed me to explore my passion for technology and design instruction that includes the best practices and the most current research driven trends for quality instruction. Creating an authentic innovation plan that can be applied in my current role has been the most enlightening piece of this program. The word innovation took on an entirely new meaning as I worked through the courses in the DLL program. At each step, we were afforded the opportunity to reflect, expand, discuss, and discover in an effort to create a significant change in the culture of education. This program allowed me to focus on what I love about education and the integration of technology.

My work in this program helped me become a better teacher. I have released control in the classroom and moved toward allowing student voice to drive my assessment of progress. My students have the opportunity to show their understanding in new ways that both impress and inspire me.

It has also prepared me to become an instructional technology coordinator in my future where I can coach and support teachers in creating a significant learning environment or CSLE. Moving forward with my innovation project at a district level will affect the learning of a greater number of students and have an impact on the future of our students.