Organizational Change

Leading is supporting

Being a leader is a difficult job. Leaders have to build a relationship based on mutual trust and respect. Leaders have to be willing to work toward goals even when it seems that no one else cares or everything is going wrong. Leadership is about consistency and the desire to move forward.

As a leader, it will be my role to facilitate changes that most benefit our students and staff. I will always remain consistent in my expectations and my willingness to help. I will never ask more of someone that I am willing to give of myself. Above all else, I will always be mindful that students are the reason we are here and they deserve the very best we can give them. I will make every decision with students in mind and leave personal feelings aside.

Some initial factors I will need to address as my innovation plan moves forward are proof that blended learning will provide an equitable or better education to the stand and deliver method. I will need to gather information from my colleuges to ensure that I can meet their needs with respect to support. I will need the administration to completely support the initiative and hold staff accountable. I will need to organize my own time to allow for scheduled meetings as well as spontaneous support needs.

I am very fortunate in that my campus is full of staff that has very little resistance to change as we pioneered our districts very first “choice school.” Our campus transitioned into a STEAM Academy. The teachers embraced this new way of learning because we had support and we believed it was best for kids. I do not anticipate much, if any, resistance to my innovation plan at the campus level. In the event that I do encounter some resistance, I will have Crucial Conversations with my colleagues and find a way to support them so that they are willing to work with me, not against me. Those conversations will be difficult, but necessary to provide the best instruction for students. I will ask that we all remove personal feelings and fears and simply focus on what we can do for kids and how we can best serve them.

Leading this change will revolutionize how teaching and learning looks on my campus in amazing ways. We will be the face of 21st-century learning!