Organizational Change

The Motivation Behind my Innovation Plan

Why: I believe that kids should learn in ways that are authentic, meaningful, effective, and self-paced and directed whenever possible.

How: Implementing a blended learning environment with technology will provide students with a differentiated learning pathway. 

What: We will prepare students to become leaders, collaborators, and innovators.

Best Practices

Students truly do value learning and they are excited about learning when the learning is presented in relevant and meaningful ways. Students love to be in charge. They like to feel important and heard. This resembles the exact motivations of adults. Too often, adults forget that humans, by nature, are drawn to relationships and are willing to go above and beyond when they feel appreciated and included.

Students deserve a learning environment that allows them to show evidence of learning in unique ways. Students are more likely to succeed when given the opportunity to learn at their own pace in ways that complement the world around them. Technology is prevalent in their everyday lives. They are constantly stimulated by videos, memes, gifs, and more. When educators begin to use student interests and relevant programs to integrate this technology in ways that present needed content, the student is able to understand and internalize the information. Students also take part in their own education by setting goals and reaching those goals. Students begin to learn life skills that will enable them to become productive, innovative, and proactive members of society!

Time is a commodity in education. We never seem to have enough to do all of the things we would like to do for our students. By utilizing technology and creating a blended learning environment the teacher will increase the amount of time they have to invest in students on an individual level. Blended learning actually leads to more precious time!


Bailey, J., Duty, L., Ellis, S., Martin, N., Mohammad, S., Owens, D., Rabbitt, B., Rodriguez, L., Schneider, C., Terman, A., Vander Ark, T., Wolfe, J. (2015). Blended learning implementation guide 3.0. [Online Journal]Retrieved November 30, 2019, from

Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2015). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 

Thibodeaux, T., Harapnuik, D., & Cummings, C. (2019). Student perceptions on the influence of choice, ownership, and voice in learning and the learning environment. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 31(1), 50-62.

Changing Behavior, Changing Instruction

Human behavior has a significant impact on any plan of action. By identifying vital behaviors to make my plan successful, I can coach my campus through the implementation of a blended learning environment. Studying Influencer has helped me hone in on the most important behaviors that will lead my organization to success.

Six Sources of Influence

People are influenced by many things. It is critical to identify and utilize the sources of influence if you want to make real and lasting change. Using influencing strategies, I will reach my colleagues and help them understand why blended learning is best for kids.


Patterson, K., & Grenny, J. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change, Second Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.

Grenny, J., Maxfield, D., Shimberg, A. (2013). How to 10x your influence. Vital Smarts. [Online Article] Retrieved February 7, 2020, from