
Hey y’all!

My Family; My World

Hi there! I’m Jennifer Bloodworth. I live in north Texas and I am a 5th grade math and science teacher. My campus transitioned into a STEAM Academy last year and it brought about many wonderful and exciting changes in the way our staff views learning. This course seems to be quite in line with that thinking! My interest in digital learning stems from my desire to include technology in the classroom in an effective way that will actually help my students be better prepared for the future. I would also love the opportunity to help my colleagues become better equipped and more comfortable with digital learning. I’ve always been comfortable “playing” with technology because I grew up as it became widely available to the public. I do find that it is harder to keep up with the newest applications since they pop up overnight! Ha ha. My students and my daughter definitely try to keep my up to date.

I have been married to my best friend, Danny, for 17 years and we have one daughter, Libby. She is a sophomore in high school and keeps us super busy! When I am not in the classroom, I enjoy running all over God’s creation to watch my daughter cheer on her high school football team in the fall, and do equally as much traveling in the spring to watch her play softball. When we have school breaks, we LOVE to visit any beach possible. Galveston is one of my favorite places to visit and one day, my husband and I plan to move there permanently!  We love to be outdoors and spend lots of time with our very large extended family.